Steward Six

Tuesday, August 15, 2006

Getting Bigger!

Here I am at 19 weeks ( about 4 1/2 months). I am over the halfway point, because identicals usually only go 34-37 weeks. They are kicking and bumping each other a lot. I can only imagine how much more that's going to increase--even after they're born!

Saturday, August 12, 2006

Fishing With Grandpa & Dad

They'll catch 'em, but they won't touch 'em!

(Of course, I won't clean 'em, so I guess it all works out!)

The View From The Top

Getting taller every day!

Winter Park

My company picnic was in Winter Park, Colorado. We took the Ski Train there--it's within 2 hours of Denver.

It is best known for being a ski resort, but has summer activities as well. Here are the pictures from the lift, at the top, and the train ride there. It was beautiful, even on an overcast day.