Steward Six

Saturday, September 30, 2006

6 months belly!

Lots of "red eye" and a bad hair day, but here's some pictures of my 6 month belly--I've gained 20 pounds!

Friday, September 29, 2006

Six Months and Counting

My little guys are six months old! Only their heads fit in the ultrasound picture and they move like crazy! They'll be here between Thanksgiving and Christmas--which is sooner than you think.

Wednesday, September 06, 2006

Rocky Mountain National Park

More pictures!

Dan & Katie

Visitors from PA!

Our great friends Dan & Katie came to visit from PA over Labor Day. Among other tourist outings, we went to Red Rocks Amphitheater and Rocky Mountain National Park.

Five Months Along!

The babies are doing great! Although they are sharing a placenta, they are growing at normal paces, but about a week apart. They weigh about a pound, are a foot long, and are now both head down (on my bladder!) with four little feet kicking around my belly button.

Please keep them in your prayers as God continues to watch over them.